Our Service

Content that Starts Conversations
Content Specialist houses the best proofreaders and copy editors in Dubai because we look beyond basic grammar, punctuations, and spelling. Our methodology comprises scrutiny of the existing content and making changes wherever necessary. This involves rewriting whole sentences to put across the meaning of the messages correctly. Proofreading, as you may know, is the last and most crucial step in the production of content. Our professional content writers work on every kind of content: from catalogs to manuscripts, from reports to brochures, and from books and magazines to websites and white papers.
Besides English SEO content editing services, our team of native Arabic-speakers, who also happen to be experts in the industry with experience of over 10 years, specialize in editing the content you provide us into something that the locals can relate to, as well as something that falls naturally under industrial standards.
Content Specialist’s experienced group of Arabic and English proofreaders and editors working hand-in-hand is what gives us an edge in the competitive industry
The following are our editing services:-
• Proofreading: paying close attention to detail, and correcting grammatical, structural, and spelling errors.
• Substantive editing: Editing content for structure, grammar, arguments, punctuation, and balance.
• Regulatory review: Resolving regulatory issues in a document such as exaggerated and promissory language, assertion without a strong basis, negative management commentary, M&A-related discussions with lack of adequate sourcing, front-running, touting, and rumor circulation.
• Verification of data accuracy and integrity.
• Firm policy adherence like rules relating to internal approval before publishing.